Monday, July 28, 2014

Shall Prosper

Steeping in Spirit…

Psalms 1:1-3

1.    Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

2.    But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

3.    And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

We know that radio waves go through our bodies, television broadcast and cellular signals, invisible energy that is all around us and part of the workings of our world.  We have crafted instruments with which to detect them, those waves and signals that are propelled by man and those that exist naturally.  But, what of spirit?  There is no man-made instrument, no technology, no mathematic formula that can detect or prove the existence of the spiritual realm.  Although infinity is worked into mathematics and given a written symbol, no science-only person would equate personal beingness with infinity.  Reason tells us of the Uncaused Cause and the Unmoved Mover and that the finite cannot be applied to the infinite.  Yet, it is faith that tells us that our souls, the animating principles of our beingness, are not finite – they are of spirit.

Spirit is utterly whole and cannot be broken into parts – and is, therefore, undetectable by anything finite.  Spirit is infinite – everywhere and all through.  The Uncreated Creator created matter and, eventually, inevitably, human beings, creating our individual, finite bodies and choosing to animate them with Spirit – the Breath of God.  We are created by, and of, and for, the Infinite One.  This is the truth of who we are, the fullness of our identities.  And the fulfillment of our destinies is in fully living in the infinite.

But, we don’t, do we?  Rather than recognizing the finite as the precious flower of the Christ seed, we use and abuse it for our own finite ends.  For, any self-indulgence, any dominance of the temporal over the eternal, will come to a definitive end.  Their end is death.  With and in the soul of spirit is the gift of intellect, imagination, and free will – if we direct our souls and their gifts toward finite self-centeredness, then they will lose their intrinsic recognition of the infinite and, ultimately, of the Infinite One who is the Source and the All in All.  When the finite comes to its necessary end, what can the soul know but loss?  What can the soul know but dying?  And, because the soul is immortal, that loss, that dying, will be eternal, with no end.

To keep the soul healthy is the most important thing that a human being can do.  A healthy soul, through the innate, God-given faculty of faith, recognizes the infinite through the finite and lives within Creation in order to delight in the ways immortal.  Creatures of flesh and spirit are we, and the temporal and immortal dwell as one in the core of our beings, in our hearts.  Therein, we – unique, beloved creatures of the Uncreated Creator – can come to recognize and experience the fullness of reality.  Temporal and eternal, finite and infinite, mortal and immortal, come together in us.  There is no escape from the temporal world – there is only redemption.  To understand the body as some thing from which to escape is to not understand the body at all.  We exist, we are who we are, because the soul of spirit is given a body in which to live – not merely in which to be contained, but to live.  Living, body and soul as one, faith and reason in accord, is the reason and the meaning of our lives – is life.

Recognizing, acknowledging, and embracing the Infinite in the finite, the holy in the mundane, I walk in the ways of righteousness, which is what truly is.  Truth is my path and fullness is my journey, as my destination is my destiny, willed before time and space.  My eternal life, being eternal, has already begun and I am living life – bathed in the light of the Eternal One, submerged and steeping in the Immortal good, and the fullness of the fruit I am created to bear is my sweetness, which shall never perish, sheltered and sustained in the evergreen bower of my willing heart, with all that I have and all that I am consecrated to Holy Truth.  And all that I do shall prosper unto Infinity…

May I be so blessed…

© 2014 Christina Chase


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