Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Earth Is Full

Psalms 33:4-5
4.      For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth.
5.      He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD.

The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord;
the reality of being is truth
and truth comes forth from the Lord, the Source
Who opens His Mouth and utters His Word,
the Word that is the power of creation, the power of life,
the power of reality: truth.

All that flows from the Source is alive in the truth, is true, lives truth;
but any who deny the way, fight the current, though they are alive because of the truth,
do not live truth, are not righteous, and so cannot fully receive the goodness of the Lord.
For creation overflows
with the goodness of the Lord uttered forth by his Word
and all who are created in the Image of the Lord are made to overflow
with the beauty of this bounty. 
Yet, if those creatures do not image the Lord, do not receive the truth of the reality of being,
and so do not live, wholly and willfully, in the flow of the Word,
then they have absented themselves from the fullness of the goodness of the Lord
-- as they absent themselves from the earth, from truth, from the reality of being --
and so from the fullness of being Images of God, which is loving
truth and the fullness of the good.

All of God's works are done in truth: God does not lie.  The Lord speaks only the Word, which is truth, which is goodness.  Judge rightly what is denial and what is done in union with the truth, in the fullness of love, which is the order of the divine.

       ~Christina Chase

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